Ten years ago, in May 2006, Al Gore’s Inconvenient truth was released. The documentary had an important impact on the global awareness about climate change issues. In Park Istra we marked this occasion by organizing a movie night. We watched Al Gore’s legendary movie, then Vida presented the latest scientific discoveries about global warming, which sparked a lively debate. We were joined by several interesting guests, including european commisioner for transport, Violeta Bulc. Locals presented us with their home made products. Miro’s wine and Sandi’s […]
Read more →First of May was an opening date for a new volunteers’ season in Park istra. Village of Hrvoji was not sleeping during the winter time. We were hosting many workshops and finished most of the remaining work on our volunteers’ center, that is becoming a cosy home for volunteers trom all over the world. In the past days 14 new volunteers came from Canada, USA, Belgium, UK and Slovenia. We celebrated the start of the new season with bonfire, singing and baking […]
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