Archive for December 2016

Skozi oči beguncev (v angleščini)

To raise awareness about the refugee crisis, Trajnostni Park Istra invited EVS Volunteer Gemma Gelabert Gonzalo to set up her exhibition ‘Skozi oči beguncev‘ in Koper. Središče Rotunda Koper was also willing to collaborate, hosting the exhibition until the 15th of January in their main hall where numerous events will take place over the next months, so many people will be able to experience the exhibition.    Gemma Gelabert Gonzalo is an EVS Volunteer in Mladinski Center Velenje for a period of […]

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Evropska prostovoljska služba v Parku Istra (v angleščini)

In the beginning of June I said yes to one of the biggest adventures of my life, I said yes to EVS Programme in Park Istra for a whole year… And by the 1st of July I was arriving in Slovenia! It was a big crazy change. For those who don’t know EVS Programme, EVS means European Voluntary Service, which is supported by Erasmus+ and European Commission. You can do it for a short or a long term with all […]

Beri dalje

Dan z otroci v Parku Istra

V Parku Istra smo sprejeli skupino 60 otrok iz koprske osnovne šole. Naš cilj je bil, da jim omogočimo drugačno doživetje v naravi, preko katerega bi se lahko učili in se zabavali. Najprej smo jim predstavili, zakaj je nastal projekt Park Istra, s čim vse se ukvarjamo in kakšni so naši cilji. Otroke smo nato razdelili v tri skupine, ki so se udeležile različnih delavnic: delavnice izdelave domačega mila, delavnice odkrivanja rastlin in delavnice dela z ognjem. Na delavnici izdelave mila so […]

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Kratke prehranske verige (v angleščini)

Short distribution channel means that there is zero or only one intermediary between the producer and the consumer. Such direct market chains have many economic, environmental and social benefits. Thanks to the direct link between the producer and the consumer, all the money a consumer spends for the product goes to the producer. When the link between producer and consumer is not direct, each intermediary earns a percentage of the price of the product. As a consequence, the producer earns […]

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Zeleni turizem v Istri in na Azorskih otokih (v angleščini)

Azores (Portugal) and Istria Region (Slovenia) are totally different environments, but have a lot in common in the field of rural and landscape area and tourism development. For those who don’t know, Azores are a Portuguese archipelago located in the middle of the Atlantic Ocean, about two hours by plane from the Portuguese coast, recently winners of green and sustainable tourism awards all over the world.       What do Azores and Istria Region have in common? Isolation Passive […]

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